Every WWE ECW Ever: ECW 24 (11/21/2006)


WWE ECW 24 - 11/21/2006

Welcome to another entry of Every WWE ECW Ever. We are chugging along on the road to December to Dismember, the best WWE related PPV in history (something unanimously agreed upon). 

We begin with some hype for the upcoming Extreme Elimination Chamber. I have to admit, I am looking forward to watching the match myself. I expect a lot of extreme actions to take place by the Extremists in the ring. By the way, how funny is that? They call the ECW stars "Extremists"... Come on Vince. 

While watching, a thought came to mind as to whether or not I want to re-watch the drafts each year for ECW. I will look into it, but I am not sure how much there really is to cover. I feel it is important for the movement of the superstars.

They announce tonight we get Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly in an Extreme Rules match. Finally. 

Match #1: Bobby Lashley vs. Matt Striker

It's a treat to watch 2006 Lashley. He looks the same to be honest, but you can tell his power is just so unlimited here. He is able to accomplish things that few can in the ring at this time. We start with Striker talking about being a veteran because he served New York public schools. I agree with you Striker, we deserve respect. Lashley emerges and destroys the desk and chalkboard in the ring. The match is quite quick. Lashley delivers a few powerful moves and then finishes with the Spear and Dominator. He wins in under a minute if I had to guess.

Winner: Bobby Lashley
Match Rating: Squash
Weapons Used: None

As I mentioned previously, Lashley will be focused on much more going into the future of ECW, but it is so great to be able to say he was able to become WWE Champion. The original opinion of him was that he was just below championship level; Lashley has blown that out of the water.

A Hardy Boyz reunion is being advertised next. That is interesting. They show a promo of the RAW the night before, where Hardy defeated Johnny Nitro (nay Morrison) in a TLC match but took substantial damage in the process. Regardless, Jeff will be competing. 


Match #2: The Hardy Boyz vs. FBI (Tony Mamaluke & Nunzio)

The FBI! I love when the random ECW original comes to eat a pin. These guys haven't been on TV in months, but the Hardy Boyz figured they would be the best team to display their talents... right? Nonetheless, the FBI get in more offense than expected to begin the match. 

Also, random thought: why does RAW have a TLC match but not ECW? Why did they shy away from extreme rules matches? Makes no sense. 

Anyway, the match quickly turns in favor of the Hardy Boyz. Jeff is beat up and is moving pretty gingerly, but he is able to deliver a Swanton Bomb to take the win. 

Winner: The Hardy Boyz
Match Rating: Vintage Hardy Boyz
Weapons Used: None

Rob Van Dam is in the back when Paul Heyman comes to speak to him. He lays out the stipulation that if Hardcore Holly were to defeat him tonight, Rob Van Dam will lose his Extreme Elimination Chamber spot, with Holly replacing him. Heyman, you devil.

Sabu montage. Love it. Let's get Sabu back so we can watch the Botch King.


Match #3: CM Punk vs. Kevin Thorne


Please no.

Do not squash my boy.

Kevin Thorne is already mid-entrance by the time we get back from commercial break. Punk comes out to a big pop, and the match begins. Thorne takes control early, landing some decent damage on Punk. The tide turns very quickly however when Kelly Kelly comes out to cheer him on. Motivated, Punk breaks out, slips in an Anaconda Vice, and taps Thorne.

Damn you. Damn you! 

Winner: CM Punk
Match Rating: Pain
Weapons Used: None

Punk and Kelly Kelly embrace in the ring, but Thorne and Ariel are in the ring to attack the duo. Punk and Kelly fight them off and kind of hug? Mike Knox watches from backstage. He's such a cuck.


Back from commercial with Big Show. I will say that from the beginning of WWE ECW until now, Show's promos have progressed. There's no doubt this in large part because of Paul Heyman and his acumen for the wrestling business. Show is discussing the Elimination Chamber and trying to stop "WHAT" chants (it sort of works) until Lashley comes out. The two men stare down until they get physical, with Lashley throwing Show over. Lashley is here to stay folks, there's no doubt. If I didn't know he was champion already, it still would be a matter of time.


Match #4: Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly (Extreme Rules)

The extreme rules match is upon us! Let's go!

Before coming out to the ring, Hardcore Holly is advised by Test to, you know, win. Thank you Test, very helpful.

The match is pretty standard to start. Holly begins with control and the match mostly stays in the ring until Van Dam is able to position Holly on the barricade. A spinning wheel kick from the apron connects and the show goes to commercial. Van Dam in his prime is still such a treat to watch, but I will say Hardcore Holly can bring it too. He lands a very athletic dropkick on Van Dam to send him to the outside at one point and not even Joey Styles expected it. 

The two exchange some more heavy blows, with RVD attacking with a flying dropkick from the top rope. Hardcore Holly is such a warrior - he will never be the best, but he puts on a hell of a show each time. He will always have my respect after the table incident.

Eventually RVD heats up, using the chair to get an upper-hand to the point where Holly is incapacitated. RVD ends the match with a frog splash onto Holly, securing his spot in Elimination chamber. The match could have been more "extreme" - only 3 chairs were used. However, they're enough to avoid the streak from breaking.

Winner: Rob Van Dam
Rating: Awesome
Weapons: Chair (3)


Match of the Night: Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly - it was the only match of substance, but it was still excellent that displayed the athleticism of both men.
Wrestler of the Night: Rob Van Dam - The One Man Show does it again. 
Worst of the Night: CM Punk - How dare you do that to my man Kevin, Phil?
Weapon Count (Total): 3 Chairs
Chair: 46
Table: 18
Kendo Stick: 15
Police Baton: 9
Steel Steps: 6
Garbage Can: 5
Garbage Can Lid: 4
Street Signs: 3
Ladder: 3
Camera Cord: 2
ECW Title: 2
Police Helmet: 2
Cane: 2
Baking Sheet: 1
Al Snow's Head: 1
Barbwire Baseball Bat: 1
Bag of Thumbtacks: 1
Announcer's Table: 1
Belt: 1
Water Bottle: 1
Ring Bell: 1
Chalk Board: 1
Stapler: 1
Sledgehammer: 1
Steel Pipe: 1
Total (all time): 130


Episode 25 will be up very quickly. After that, it is a PPV roundup, and then... DECEMBER TO DISMEMBER. GET HYPED. I am really excited to get to that PPV, and I'm really hoping the go home show brings it. Lashley is in the mix, the Hardyz are around for whatever reason, and Big Show continues his Reign of Terror. We will catch you next time.
