Every WWE ECW Ever: ECW 21 (10/31/2006)


WWE ECW 21 - 10/31/2006

A Halloween episode? Awesome. You know this show is going to be wild, well, let's hope at least. The weapon count has been going down substantially, of that there is no doubt. I wonder why. Why try and go away from what made the show? Violence? The answer is obviously more simple; the social climate changed and what was once acceptable for television was no longer. Alas, let us enjoy this piece of history, if you will.

We are also getter closer to the infamous December to Dismember. I will be completing a supplemental entry for the PPV. We are still around a month or so away, but the big announcement is that we will be having an Extreme Elimination Chamber Match. That may put my weapon counting to test, but trust me, I'm ready.

Match #1: Sabu vs. Kevin Thorn (Extreme Elimination Chamber Qualifier)

This without a doubt concerns me; first off, if you're new, I'm a big Kevin Thorn fan, and any negative conversation regarding the man is slanderous at best. Regardless, he gets his entrance skipped; we start the show with him in the ring. Sorry Kevin.

Decent match, albeit a bit short. Sabu takes care of Thorn quickly, although, as evident from the thumbnail, Thorn did get some decent offense in. Ariel on the side... I see NOW why this gimmick didn't work. But what that being said, we still have a LOT of WWE ECW ridiculousness coming. We can excuse Ariel in this grand scheme of things. Sabu wins with a 

I remember at the time wanting additional titles for ECW. I see why they didn't get them; first, there is not enough talent, and two, the hour only gives you so much time to tell a story. Maybe that's why I didn't mind it as much. It was accessible. Regardless, congrats to Sabu, he is who we want in the match any, let's be honest.

Winner: Sabu
Match Rating: Average
Weapons Used: None

Rebecca is the worst reporter they have ever had. She sounds like a robot. She decides to go talk to Sandman, who SMACKS A CLOWN WITH A KENDO STICK. YES SANDMAN! Let us get more for the count! Completely pointless, but who cares. Sandman. Kendo Stick. ECW. It's just right.

Weapons Used: Kendo Stick (1)

We also get the announced we will have a Costume Contest. I am going to determine how I will be covering this as we approach the moment.

Tazz gives Joey Styles a... noose? What?


Match #2: Daivari vs. Shannon Moore

First off, Shannon already in the ring. NEVER a good sign. Daivari and The Great Khali comes out, and the announcers make it sound like Khali is now a part of the roster. I always kind of like Daivari, I always thought he had done more than he really did. He defeats Shannon Moore with relative ease.

I wonder why Khali and Daivari were dumped into ECW. Maybe the WWE executives just felt he was lacking? He definitely was unpolished, and at least, if you're going to suck, do it on the C Show. Daivari wins, no weapons. Who cares. The best moment of the match was when Moore hit a nice roundhouse. And he lost.

Winner: Daivari
Match Rating: Boring
Weapons Used: None

We get the classic Khali post-match beatdown. Shannon Moore gets another Worst of the Week, it's a lock for the guy. He can't have too many more matches in the company. The one thing I say is that I love 1) the sound engineering of ECW where Styles and Tazz screaming syncs perfectly with the sound of the ring mat, the mat for some reason sounds like every move is devastating.

RVD getting interviewed by fucking Rebecca. It's Halloween, what the hell are we DOING? This is what you give the crowd so far? They tease the main event, which is RVD and Hardcore Holly vs. Big Show and Test. Holly and RVD talk about how they are enemies, as evident by that brutal back scar from that match; however they say they must because Holly also wants to be champion.

The Halloween Costume Contest is NOT considered a match on CageMatch/ProWrestlingDB. Sorry. I will let you know however that Trinity won. Good for her, whoever that is. Who is that? I've never heard of her. Mike Knox comes out after, but Punk comes to the rescue.


Match #3: Rob Van Dam & Hardcore Holly vs. Big Show & Test

Before this match begins, let me first say there must better be some weapons in the match. Let's see.

Love seeing Test getting some love. Let's see what he brings to this match. Big Show's ECW Title run is reaching epic proportions. He has defended it quite frequently; it's honestly interesting how often he puts the title up or is involved in the main event. Props to the man.

This was actually a really fun match; Hardcore Holly was really in his prime at this point in time, at least I feel so. The match unfortunately loses some of its luster when Paul Heyman decides to intervene in a monkey suit. At least he uses a weapon, because otherwise, there was NO Extreme Rules match. I'm sorry, it's not acceptable. 

Winners: Big Show & Test
Match Rating: Fun Match, Unfortunate Ending
Weapons Used: Pipe (1)


I'm sorry if this one was a bit short, but this show just felt so uninspired, there was nothing really to talk about, you know? You can tell they are just kinda running in circles, not sure what to do. I do hope it gets better, and more violent, although I know it doesn't. I just need better weapons as opposed to a god damn POLICE BATON.
Match of the Night: Test & Big Show vs. Hardcore Holly & Rob Van Dam - Fun, for what it was worth. I just wish that it ended better, and was a bit more violent.
Wrestler of the Night: Big Show - Win the Champion wins, he gets the respect of being Wrestler of the Night
Worst of the Night: Shannon Moore - he is VERY comfortable being here.
Weapon Count (Total): 2
Chair: 41
Table: 18
Kendo Stick: 15
Police Baton: 8
Steel Steps: 6
Garbage Can: 5
Garbage Can Lid: 4
Street Signs: 3
Ladder: 3
Camera Cord: 2
ECW Title: 2
Police Helmet: 2
Cane: 2
Baking Sheet: 1
Al Snow's Head: 1
Barbwire Baseball Bat: 1
Bag of Thumbtacks: 1
Announcer's Table: 1
Belt: 1
Water Bottle: 1
Ring Bell: 1
Chalk Board: 1
Stapler: 1
Sledgehammer: 1
Steel Pipe: 1
Total (all time): 123

Next episode will be coming shortly; if the next few shows stink, I am not sure if another one will be coming out right away. We will see.
