Every WWE ECW Ever - ECW 17 (10/3/2006)

WWE ECW 17 - 10/3/2006

Welcome back! So I decided to watch another one. Let's get into it.

We start the show with Hardcore Holly asking for a match against RVD, but is denied by Paul Heyman because he is still injured. Remember that gruesome injury last week? This makes a ton of sense. Of course, Holly gets aggressive and DEMANDS a match. Holly has never been hotter! When suddenly: Test. Test slams a chair into the injured back of Holly and stares at him menacingly. I usually don't count weapons this way, but I don't care. We gotta get our violence when we can.
Weapons: Chair (1)


Match #1: Sabu & The Sandman vs. Big Show & Matt Striker

An extreme rules match to start the night... that is something. This should be a good one given Sandman and Sabu are both in it and are maniacs. I wonder how many bumps Striker is willing to take?

The first half of the match is Sabu getting beat down by Big Show and Striker. He does eventually make a hot tag to Sandman, though, who then clears house and begins to take it to Striker, finally! Big Show does retain control of the match, though. Sandman gets caught by Big Show slipping (how do you not know Big Show is there?) and is taken down by the duo. Striker gets the pin.

I guess it wasn't an extreme rules match.

Winner: Matt Striker & Big Show
Match Rating: Good but I thought it was extreme rules.
Weapons: None


Kelly Kelly and her friend (Brooke?) shows off her tits and there are only playing cards blocking them. Whoa boy. I feel so gross watching that stuff now.

Match #2: Kevin Thorn vs. Tommy Dreamer

This will definitely be a fun match. Hopefully they give it some time, though.

Good back and forth match to start. Kevin Thorn tried to put his feet on the ropes for a dirty pin and the ref saw it a mile away. I had never seen someone get caught red handed like that before.

The match ends when Thorn grabs his cane and bashes it into Dreamer's face. He gets the pin. They do a really good job of making my boy Thorn look like a fucking goon. Let him win clean! He can do it!

Winner: Kevin Thorn
Match Rating: Decent
Weapons: Cane (1)


Match #3: CM Punk vs. Danny Doring

Wow. Danny Doring got into a match. He didn't get an entrance, but he got a match!

Punk wins with the Anaconda Vice.

Kelly Kelly comes out after the match and tells Punk congratulations as she starts a striptease routine. Mike Knox of course puts an end to that VERY quickly. Punk then gets on the mic and says Knox needs to control his woman. The two almost come to blows! But they don't.

Winner: CM Punk
Match Rating: Squash
Weapons: None


They advertise a strip poker game that will be going down on the next ECW. Ashley Massaro says she will be there! Rest in peace :(

Also, the main event is about to start and there is a LOT of time left.

Match #4: Rob Van Dam vs. Test (Extreme Rules)

Ah, okay. So this is the extreme rules match. I'm fine with that! Side note before this match: Test has a very underrated theme song.

This gets extreme quickly. When they get ringside, Van Dam and Test fight over the steel steps. It ends up with Test getting it directly to the cranium. Van Dam then hits a rolling thunder onto Test on top of the steps. What!? C'mon Rob.

RVD gets out a table. You know it's going to be broken soon, but I just can't wait to see how. Test also has such an impressive, powerful offense. He hit a crazy clothesline on Van Dam about half-way through. Test then goes and grabs FOUR chairs. LET'S GO TEST, RACKING UP THOSE NUMBERS. Rob Van Dam then attempts a sunset flip power bomb onto a table from the ring to the floor. Insanity. Test makes impact so the table crumbles, but he hits all floor on that one. Ouch. They go to commercial break to give him time I'm sure.

We come back from break and Heyman is out ringside. When Van Dam gets tossed ringside, the RIOT guards get involved and hit RVD a few times with a police baton. They toss him back into the ring, and then RVD gets thrown through a few chairs. The two trade back and forth big moves that could finish the match, and then RVD hits a Van Daminator with another chair, #5 of the match.

After Test almost has a three fall from a flying elbow onto a chair and onto RVD, he brings in another table into the equation. RVD turns the tides and is about to put Test through it with a frog splash, Big Show interferes, pushing him through. Test hits his finisher to win the match.

Winner: Test
Match Rating: Extreme
Weapons: Steel Steps (1), Chairs (5), Table (2), Police Baton (1)


Another decent episode in the books. The first match was fun but it was definitely too quick for my liking. Weird spot for the Champion to be in on the card too. The main event was just epic as well.

Match of the Night: Rob Van Dam vs. Test - It was definitely the best match of the night.
Wrestler of the Night: Rob Van Dam - put on a show per usual
Worst of the Night: Hardcore Holly - did you really have to hit him in the back?!
Weapon Count (Total): 11
Chair: 39
Table: 18
Kendo Stick: 13
Police Baton: 7
Steel Steps: 6
Garbage Can: 5
Garbage Can Lid: 4
Street Signs: 3
Camera Cord: 2
ECW Title: 2
Police Helmet: 2
Cane: 2
Ladder: 1
Baking Sheet: 1
Al Snow's Head: 1
Barbwire Baseball Bat: 1
Bag of Thumbtacks: 1
Announcer's Table: 1
Belt: 1
Water Bottle: 1
Ring Bell: 1
Chalk Board: 1
Stapler: 1
Sledgehammer: 1
Total (all time): 115
