Every WWE ECW Ever: ECW 23 (11/14/2006)

WWE ECW 23 - 11/14/2006

Welcome to another entry of Every WWE ECW Ever! We start off episode 23 with news that Tazz had knee surgery and is out; Elijah Burke (!) will be filling in for him. I wonder what happened with Burke; it is evident to me that they had some pretty big plans for him.

The Champion, Big Show, comes out to start the night, along with Paul Heyman. Heyman announces that RVD is not going to be here tonight. Lame. It is obviously because he can't travel due to his drug/criminal issues in the United States. Those types of things can kill momentum for a superstar for this very reason.

As of now, we have five people in the Elimination Chamber:
1) Big Show
2) Sabu
3) CM Punk
4) Rob Van Dam
5) Test

We need to find out who will be filling out the sixth and final spot. It sounds like it is going to be Hardcore Holly! That is hilarious. Obviously a result of his turn last week. Wait a minute! Bobby Lashley is here! I remember being so excited Lashley was going to be in ECW. This is why I liked ECW, and why I like NXT now; it gives some people time to work on their skills in front of a crowd, etc. without having a lot of pressure on them. 

Lashley with a nice spear to Big Show! What a big start to the episode! Burke says this was the biggest mistake Lashley could have made. I mean, I don't know Mr. Burke. He's in an ECW title match. He signs the contact, thus joining the match and presumably the roster as well. Wild start. Unfortunately, no foreign objects. There was a table set up and EVERYTHING.

Heyman and his stooges (Big Show, Test, Hardcore Holly) discuss the travesty that just occurred. Holly made me laugh out loud, he goes, "I'm going to lawyer up." Heyman says Lashley is in the main event against Hardcore Holly. Interesting.


Match #1: CM Punk vs. Mike Knox

Noooooooo. We are going to do this again? We just did this match. Damn it. They say Knox asked for the rematch.

Sylvester Terkay is just standing next to Elijah Burke on commentary. Interesting.

I'm really upset they are running this back. There is just no need. Also, Burke on commentary is awful. He has just said stupid things, and stupid times. I wonder why he was chosen; they couldn't have shifted anybody else? I guess that is one way to introduce a guy to your audience. He kept saying Lashley was taking his moment, by the way. What? You are on commentary, dude. Maybe ask for a match.

Punk almost kicks Kelly Kelly, but of course Knox, that rascal, keeps on going. She'll be fine, just keep wrestling Punk. Also, Burke and Styles eventually get some banter going, but he definitely pushes things a little bit. I'm sorry to keep bringing him up, but I just can't make myself care about this repeat of a match.

How much longer do we use Kelly Kelly as an object? First it was Balls Mahoney, now it's CM Punk. Which, LMAO, BALLS. Rest in Peace, but he hasn't been on the show in a minute. There is no doubt this is a decent match; another good one. Punk and Knox took it to another level where I HAD to respect it. Punk eventually goes outside with a suicide dive - insane! Kelly Kelly showing some mixed signals again, classic female behavior.

Knox looks good again this one. Punk wins again with the Anaconda Vice, but Knox deserved just a little bit more. Kelly Kelly celebrates. CM stands for Chick Magnet, you know. Good for you, fella. Win the title at December to Dismember!

Winner: CM Punk
Match Rating: Won Me Over
Weapons Used: None

We get the first Matt Striker promo in a while. He got his ass whooped a few weeks ago, and we didn't see him for a while. I'm glad he's back, he's a goob, but still, he could talk at least. I know he becomes a member of the New Breed soon. He basically is on screen to give a "lesson" about the Elimination Chamber. I know the rest of the card will suck, but this match will be good, I know it.


Match #2: Daivari vs. Tommy Dreamer

Do NOT squash my boy Tommy! Still no matches for Khali in ECW at this point, but whatever, let's see what happens in this match. Tommy gets an entrance, a good sign.

Khali gets in a cheap shot before the match. Okay? Why is the ref okay with that? More so, why does he allow Daivari to attack Dreamer, and then MORE SO, why does he start the match? Awful, this ref is terrible. An unfair advantage for Daivari to begin, he has a lead to begin the match here but it is completely unfounded and he is a fraud competitor. Do NOT fuck with Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer tries his bester to garner offense, and eventually does, but the nagging knee injury causes problems. He wins by DQ when Khali decides to take him and pull him into the ropes, smashing his gonads. 

Winner: Tommy Dreamer (by DQ)
Match Rating: Dreamer Wins Baby!
Weapons Used: None

Khali gives Dreamer a slam, and then looks imposing. Cool. Dreamer won, you idiots. The win is what counts. The joke is on you. Tommy will heal up, but that's a W in the record books.


Match #3: Bobby Lashley vs. Hardcore Holly

First match on ECW for Lashley! I cannot wait myself; he was always a favorite as a kid, and Holly has been on a roll in ECW. Let's see what this match has in store. Also, just to bring it up, we are at the main event and no foreign objects have come into play. I am confident it will SOMEHOW, but we are entering dangerous territory. Heyman, Big Show, Test, and his two security guards are ringside, hilarious.

Match starts off coming BACK from commercial, and Holly starts with control. All of these ECW matches start the same, seriously. The heel starts off strong, the babyface comes back. Fun to see Lashley show off his strength. Holly does show offense, but Lashley is obviously going to win, and he looks good throughout the duration of the match.

Just as Lashley is about to win, Big Show pulls the ref out and a brawl commences. Sabu and CM Punk come out and take some guys out. RVD is here! With a chair! He uses it! Yes! RVD saves the day!

Winner: Bobby Lashley (via DQ)
Match Rating: Standard Debut
Weapons Used: Chair (1)


Match of the Night: CM Punk vs. Mike Knox - two times in a row! Now that is kind of impressive. This match, as reluctant as a was in regards to its existence, delivered once again.
Wrestler of the Night: CM Punk - he's going to win it two nights in a row. Mike Knox deserves honorable mentioned, he really was solid.
Worst of the Night: Daivari - You sir, are a fraud, and you deserved your loss.
Weapon Count (Total): 1
Chair: 43
Table: 18
Kendo Stick: 15
Police Baton: 9
Steel Steps: 6
Garbage Can: 5
Garbage Can Lid: 4
Street Signs: 3
Ladder: 3
Camera Cord: 2
ECW Title: 2
Police Helmet: 2
Cane: 2
Baking Sheet: 1
Al Snow's Head: 1
Barbwire Baseball Bat: 1
Bag of Thumbtacks: 1
Announcer's Table: 1
Belt: 1
Water Bottle: 1
Ring Bell: 1
Chalk Board: 1
Stapler: 1
Sledgehammer: 1
Steel Pipe: 1
Total (all time): 127

Not a bad show - we are getting to the Lashley reign, which means Du-Rag Vince is coming. I can't wait myself. I am going to finish up until December to Dismember; I will then cover a PPV Roundup of some ECW related matches on WWE PPVs, and then I will cover THE PPV of the CENTURY, December to Dismember. I am so excited.
