Every WWE ECW Ever - ECW 16 (9/26/2006)

WWE ECW 16 - 9/26/2006

Welcome back! This will be the fourth episode of WWE ECW I will have consumed today. I'm definitely worn down a bit from the last episode, but I think nothing gets me quite perked up like a Tuesday night event in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Plus, it's confirmed we will be getting an ECW title match! The Sandman, yes THE SANDMAN, will be taking on Big Show for the title! Not only that, but good ole' JR, Jim Ross, will be making an appearance!

Match #1: Jim Ross vs. Matt Striker

Not quite a match, but these two do have a confrontation. Jim Ross is out to tell the crowd (it's Oklahoma, so, he's a GOD there) how happy he is to be in Tulsa, and is quickly cut off by Matt Striker, your teacher. He begins to go back and forth with JR, but really you just keep waiting to see who is going to come out and kick this idiot's ass.

It's the Sandman! He decides to get a tune up before his title match, and he whoops Matt Striker with his kendo stick. Then, he hands it to JR, who gets in on the fun! Nice! They then share a brew in the middle of the ring. Nothing like a cold beer to get ready for your world championship matchup, huh Sandy?

Winner: Unofficially Jim Ross
Match Rating: Boomer Sooner
Weapons: Kendo Stick (1)


Match #2: Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly (Extreme Rules)

Okay, nice. We might be getting two extreme rules matches tonight. Also, is this the one where Hardcore Holly's back gets sliced open? Also, this is certainly the first Hardcore Holly match that I have watched in maybe 10-15 years. I don't even know what a Hardcore Holly match looks like, if you will. I guess I will be finding out.

Okay, just from how RVD is setting up these tables, I can tell this is the match Holly gets sliced. I can just tell. I stopped the episode to write this segment; normally I wait until afterwards. Just look at around 11:30 into the episode. You know right away if you're a wrestling fan. Okay. Let me get back to it.

RVD takes an absolutely ridiculous head shot from the steel steps. Like, he didn't even try to brace himself. The two get back into the ring to wrestle a bit more, but it's still gruesome with chokes, punches, and etc. This is a very stiff and brutal match.

Finally, it happens.

JESUS CHRIST. Keep in mind that the match does NOT stop, at ALL. They keep going like nothing happened. Holly actually gets a little bit more offense in. Holly must be numb from the pain and on crazy adrenaline; plus you have to figure he has no idea the extent of the injury. Just brutal, though.

Holly does an absolutely insane backdrop onto a chair off the top rope onto RVD's face. He grimaces in insane pain. There is a 2.99 near fall count. The camera continues to cut to Holly's gash as the match progresses. There is literally a moment where Holly is on his back, and the blood slowly drips from the top of the wound onto the mat. It's truly unreal.

The two do some absolute damage to one another with a chair (they only use one the whole time, sadly) until RVD gets the pin. Medical attention immediately gets into the ring to stop the bleeding. This is a defining match for ECW. Props to Rob Van Dam, and especially Hardcore Holly. To continue to compete with that kind of wound on your back is really incredible.

Winner: Rob Van Dam
Match Rating: Gruesome and Awesome
Weapons: Steel Steps (1), Table (1), Chair (1)


We get a quick CM Punk promo about addiction. He's addicted to competing! He basically says he's tired of facing some of these scrubs. He wants some legit talent. Of course, he is going to have to deal with Mike Knox first before Kelly Kelly goes to Vegas. She is literally causing all of this. Knox, you don't need to be all over Punk about this. It's Kelly Kelly. 

Match #3: Ariel vs. Francine (Extreme Cat Fight)

Excuse me?

When this came on my screen I literally gasped. This is going to be epic. Is it extreme rules, essentially? If so, I will be so happy about it. I didn't know that Francine, like, wrestled. So, this should be interesting. I don't remember this at all from when I was a kid. Must not have seen this episode?

Joey Style's "CAT FIGHT! CAT FIGHT!" call is Top 10 in ECW HISTORY.

This match is... not really a match? They ring the bell, but they just roll around on one another. Kevin Thorn pulls Francine off, which prompts Balls Mahoney to arrive. He smashes a chair over Kevin Thorn's head. Yes! Violence! It ends with Balls celebrating in the ring, the match never called. I might be on to something. This match might still technically be ongoing. Regardless, we give the win to Francine... technically.

Winner: Francine
Match Rating: Ridiculous
Weapons: Chair (1)


We get a really suggestive Rene Dupree promo where he's coming out of the shower. Okay?

Match #4: Big Show (C) vs. The Sandman (ECW Championship)

They do not say this is going to be extreme rules. Then again, they did cut a promo right before the match where Heyman mentions The Sandman is going to use the cane. On commentary, Taz says that the cane is legal? What? I am going to say this is unofficial extreme rules.

The match starts with Sandman WAIL ON BIG SHOW WITH THE KENDO STICKS. It's legal! Apparently, because Big Show said the cane is okay with him, it's legal. The Sandman takes control by literally kendo sticking Big Show to death. Show is busted open, and of course so is Sandman.

Big Show and Sandman go back and forth in an entertaining match. I wasn't expecting Sandman to ever have a good match that went more than 10 minutes. But this one did, and it was pretty decent! Sandman almost has Big Show, but Show is able to overpower the drunk after interference from Matt Striker and get another title defense. Big Show absolutely dominated ECW in its early stages.

Winner: The Big Show
Match Rating: Entertaining
Weapons: Kendo Stick (1), Steel Steps (1)


All in all, a solid episode. Three extreme rules matches (technically), and a lot of violence in this one. I was a fan of this episode; we needed a better one than the past few episodes. This one delivered and while I won't be watching the next ECW episode tonight, it will be much sooner than expected.

Match of the Night: Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly - the most extreme match of the night by far; props to both men for bringing it, especially when that nasty cut Holly endured could have ended things right then and there.
Wrestler of the Night: Hardcore Holly - again, dude is a warrior.
Worst of the Night: Kevin Thorn - not the best episode for my buddy Kevin. He takes a chair shot from Balls Mahoney and then runs off. Come on man! 
Weapon Count (Total): 7
Chair: 33
Table: 16
Kendo Stick: 13
Police Baton: 6
Garbage Can: 5
Steel Steps: 5
Garbage Can Lid: 4
Street Signs: 3
Camera Cord: 2
ECW Title: 2
Ladder: 1
Baking Sheet: 1
Al Snow's Head: 1
Barbwire Baseball Bat: 1
Bag of Thumbtacks: 1
Announcer's Table: 1
Belt: 1
Cane: 1
Water Bottle: 1
Ring Bell: 1
Chalk Board: 1
Stapler: 1
Police Helmet: 2
Sledgehammer: 1
Total (all time): 104
