Every WWE ECW Ever - ECW 12 (8/29/2006)

WWE ECW 12 - 8/29/2006

WWE Network Link: http://network.wwe.com/video/v1528972583?contextType=wwe-show&contextId=wwe_ecw&contentId=238276946&watchlistAltButtonContext=series

We start off the show with a Paul Heyman promo, and man is it a good one. He explains that tonight, he will wrestle his first ever match in ECW against... wait for it... Sabu. What? Huh?! In an extreme rules match? I know that it won't be just Heyman vs. Sabu, but the concept is still interesting. I'm looking forward to this episode already.

Match #1: Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly

Hardcore Holly has got some of the best theme music in the business in 2006. It always got me hyped, so much so that when I would create myself in WWE video games I would either choose his song or download it to my XBox so, no matter what, I could use it. Anyway, this is Holly's ECW debut.

This match was, well, it was alright, up until the end. The action during the match was good. Hardcore Holly always was a solid worker, albeit a bit of a bland one. His gimmick is that he is simply an aggressive and, well, hardcore dude! That's it! It's fine, and probably good for ECW since the whole idea of the show is being overly extreme and violent. However, RVD does most of the carrying here, hitting his moves flawlessly and eventually getting himself disqualified with a chair shot because sure, why not. I know that these two aren't done, so I guess this is a decent start. Just could have been better.

Winner: Hardcore Holly (via DQ)
Match Rating: Average
Weapons Used: Chair (1)

Renee Dupree promo. Can this guy just wrestle already?

Big Show comes out and they show a promo of him going to RAW the night before and destroying DX. Good for him. He has been booked REALLY well so far in ECW. Almost unstoppable. I wouldn't mind Big Show just, you know, staying on ECW and ECW alone, but I also get why they keep sending him to Smackdown and RAW. This is a pretty bland promo, though. They just wanted to make sure he appears on the show, and to challenge DX to a match on ECW next week. Hopefully they come. I'm pretty sure we aren't done with Big Show tonight, though.

Shannon Moore promo. "Fight the power" he says. Alright then.


Match #2: CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards

Nice to see Stevie Richards on the show, I have to admit. You know, I think he's got a good look, and in an alternate timeline he could be more than just a jobber. However, with his throat and voice damaged like it was, he didn't have a chance. The original injury occurred during the original ECW, and he continuously had surgery on his throat throughout the rest of his WWE tenure. You can argue that's the only reason they kept him on, although he did have some talent in the ring. You can't be a Champion in WWE if you can't talk, literally and figuratively. Also, it's nice to see CM Punk in a match against someone other than Justin Credible.

This is another good match, with this being the third (of three total) Punk matches that were very back and forth. Punk makes his opponents looks good, while making himself look even better. It's very obvious early on just why Punk became such a legend in the wrestling business. In the meantime, though, I'm looking forward to seeing him be elevated from the squash matches to more meaningful feuds and matches.

Winner: CM Punk
Match Rating: Good, though a Squash
Weapons Used: None


Match #3: The Sandman vs. Matt Striker

Just a quick note... This is NOT a match, but rather a promo that gets physical. I just count it to count the weapons. I think you know this, but I want to make sure I'm clear.

MATT STRIKER APPEARANCE. No promo! He is live, in person on ECW! Man, does this Matt Striker gimmick make teachers look like nerds. I think I've mentioned this previously, but I am a substitute teacher (I have a degree in history education), and let me tell you, I'm not like this. I let the kids do whatever they want, as long as they don't give me a hard time. It's pretty simple. I'm not out to make enemies with high school kids. As long as they do the work and don't act up, we are not gonna have a problem. That being said, I can come down with my iron fist and dish out some punishment through office referrals and the like. I am ruthless, but fair. Anyway, Striker is the stereotypical hard-assed teacher who think kids should look up to good role models and not guys like the Sandman and Tommy Dreamer. He's definitely doing a good job in making the crowd, and myself, hate his guts. You and I are not alike, Matt Striker. Not at all.

The Sandman comes out after Striker just dissed him for two minutes. He's pissed. Striker looks like he's shitting himself. I don't think he expected Sandman to come out! But suddenly, he flips a switch and attacks Sandman. Uh oh.

Man, once you've seen a man use a chalk board as a weapon you've seen it all. Striker also breaks a stapler over Sandman's head. Ouch. Thought he was gonna give him a nice staple to the noggin, but he's merciful and that's also probably a violation of the teacher handbook. This was a funny encounter, let me tell you. Tons of fun.

Winner: No Contest, Technically Matt Striker
Match Rating: Funny
Weapons Used: Chalk Board (1), Stapler (1)

Balls Mahoney starts his promo and then suddenly Kelly Kelly intervenes. She asks him if he's seen Mike Knox, and he hasn't. Then, she... flashes him? Or that's what they allude to. Come on. Now I know where I got my unrealistic expectations in women.

Wow. They announce here on ECW that Kurt Angle has been released. They speak highly of Kurt, and they explain that he is leaving ECW because of his issues with drug abuse. Well done and a nice gesture by WWE here. Of course, Angle would go behind their back and go to TNA, who allowed them to keep using to his delight. What a shitty organization. They do not deserve any praise as a result of this. You can't aide an addict like that. Awful. Sorry about getting somber, but it's just wrong.


Match #4: Sabu vs. Paul Heyman (Extreme Rules)

As expected, Heyman brings his enforcers and they do battle with Sabu first. They overwhelm him at first, but he quickly makes work of them. He is about to jump onto Paul Heyman, but here comes Big Show. A minute in, and it's 4 vs. 1. Just wanted to give you a picture of how this match goes.

This match was kind of slow, but once it was all said and done, I definitely enjoyed it. Rob Van Dam making the save for Sabu felt so right after what he was put through by Heyman and company. Heyman throughout the match is hilarious, by the way. At one point he gets Sabu's blood on his hand and starts to gloat about it to the crowd, who hate his guts. A class act of getting heat by Mr. Heyman.  It's also incredibly satisfying once Sabu gets the chance to beat the crap out of Paul Heyman, getting his revenge for the shenanigans he's been pulling. Of course, we don't get the money shot of Heyman going through the table. That would have been awesome. Hardcore Holly also comes out in this match to take out Rob Van Dam. While it was chaotic, it was nice to see these various intertwining storylines come together in an angle like this. It wasn't the prettiest match in the world, and definitely not an achievement of technical wrestling, but it was entertaining and got the job done.

Winner: Paul Heyman
Match Rating: Entertaining
Weapons Used: Chair (1), Police Baton (2), Table (2)


This was, all in all, an entertaining show. The main event was chaotic and violent, which is what you are expecting from an ECW show when you get into it. The three matches that went down were also pretty great, and were given ample time to turn into good matches. Even the squash with CM Punk and Stevie Richards was a fun watch. We should be getting some fireworks next week with an appearance of DX as well.

Match of the Night: Paul Heyman vs. Sabu
Wrestler of the Night: CM Punk - lots of impressive efforts tonight, but Punk shows early signs of his talent that would flourish a few years down the line.
Worst of the Night: Matt Striker - he gives us teachers a bad reputation!
Weapon Count (Total):
Chair: 21
Table: 10
Kendo Stick: 9
Garbage Can: 5
Police Baton: 5
Garbage Can Lid: 4
Street Signs: 3
Camera Cord: 2
ECW Title: 2
Ladder: 1
Baking Sheet: 1
Al Snow's Head: 1
Steel Steps: 1
Barbwire Baseball Bat: 1
Bag of Thumbtacks: 1
Announcer's Table: 1
Belt: 1
Cane: 1
Water Bottle: 1
Ring Bell: 1
Chalk Board: 1
Stapler: 1
Total (all time): 74

Thanks for reading, and make sure to check back soon for Episode 13!
