Every WWE ECW Ever: ECW 22 (11/7/2006)


WWE ECW 22 - 11/7/2006

Last episode really disappointed me. I know there are some things coming soon that I will enjoy (where are you, Colin Delaney?), but these are some of the dark days. We slowly move our way to the worst PPV of all time, December to Dismember. This is a birthday episode, by the way. I turned 13 on this episode's airing date, kind of cool.

Match #1: CM Punk vs. Mike Knox (Extreme Elimination Chamber Qualifier)

A legit match between two decent wrestlers (well, one fantastic wrestler, and one guy I like) with some stakes on the line. Kelly Kelly looking FIRE as always.

Match starts off well, Punk delivers some offense and send Knox out of the ring. Knox is not the best wrestler, but he's big, and so it allows for Punk's moves to look a little bit more legit than expected. Knox does make a decent comeback and gets Punk into a back submission, only to let him up and wheel kick him. I want Punk to win, but Knox would have been fun as hell in an Elimination Chamber. It's all about big bodies.

Punk wins the match with an Anaconda Clutch. Fun match; I definitely miss Punk a good bit! I just wish there were weapons used. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but if it is an EXTREME Elimination Chamber, wouldn't the qualifiers also need to be extreme? How can you quantify how extreme they are?

Winner: CM Punk
Match Rating: Solid
Weapons Used: None

Elijah Burke and Sylvester Terkay are introduced for the first time. I remember expecting these two to be seriously impressive! Burke worked out in TNA as The Pope, however even just in this first promo, you can tell he has charisma. Terkay... not as much. It will be fun, and kind of depressing, to watch them progress in ECW. This whole thing is depressing of course.

Now we get a press conference from Paul Heyman. He comes out to brag about using the steel pipe to attack. He also announced the main event with be Heyman and Big Show vs. RVD and Hardcore Holly. Okay.... Sure! Just let there be weapons, that is all.


Match #2: Daivari vs. Little Guido

The good news: we get a Little Guido match. The bad news: he is already in the ring, getting no interest. Sorry pal.

Why is Daivari getting squash matches? I guess it makes sense - Great Khali should be over. However, is the answer really to let Khali stand outside the ring and just do whatever? Odd, I don't know. Daivari wins a squash.

Winner: Daivari
Match Rating: Squash
Weapons Used: None

Khali with the beatdown after the match once again. Cool. Good for you buddy!


Match #3: Test vs. Tommy Dreamer (Extreme Elimination Chamber Qualifier)

Now, again, you root for Dreamer, but Test is definitely the one who will bring more brutality. Dreamer is the Father of Hardcore, however. Both wrestler get an entrance, so I can't tell who is going to win yet!

Test comes out strong with some nasty elbows. I can't believe Test looked like this at one point. Someone should have known something is wrong. Dreamer to the floor! Thank you Tommy! Let's get dirty!

The match is back and forth until a low blow by Test, into a big boot, to Test's finisher. Test will advance; good match for both individuals in this one, I just wish it was longer. No weapons, either.

Winner: Test
Match Rating: Quick
Weapons Used: None


Match #4: Rob Van Dam & Hardcore Holly vs. Big Show & Paul Heyman 

Let's at least have this have some shenanigans and some weapons show up. Is it really going to be 22 episodes until we finally got a no-weapons show? This is not acceptable, but I am not holding my breath for any foreign objects. The two security guards are coming out with Show and Heyman, so I have a good feeling there will be. Heyman is wearing a track suit, too funny.

RVD and Big Show have been going at it for a while now. I am definitely ready for this to end soon - it's been 22 weeks! As they wrestle, I just feel like I have seen all of this before, because I have. They do the same spots, etc. each time. We see that too often today. I can see where it started. Big Show controls most of the match, and then RVD stages a comeback. This time, at least, Hardcore Holly is in play.

When Holly is about to get involved, the ref ushers him aside, while the Police guys use a police baton! We got one!

Finally, RVD musters up enough strength to tag in Holly! Big Show is down, Heyman is exposed! Unfortunately, Holly screws him over. He then takes a chair and begins to go to work on RVD. Thanks Holly, we will take it. Alabama Slam on the chair! Damn! I guess I should have seen this coming; Holly is working with the bad guys. The bad guys have been winning for 22 straight weeks; absurd.

Winner: No Contest - Big Show & Heyman, if you want to be serious.
Match Rating: Stupid, but Amusing
Weapons Used: Police Baton (1), Chair (1)

It wasn't the best show, but we will take it. Knox vs. Punk was really fun, and at least the main event will move us closer to a resolution to this dumb storyline.


Match of the Night: CM Punk vs. Mike Knox - good for Knox for being in a match of the night! He did put on a good effort in this match against Punk, who I felt had his best ECW match to date on this card.
Wrestler of the Night: CM Punk - best win, no shenanigans. He also has a chance at the ECW Championship as a result of the win. It's a good night.
Worst of the Night: Little Guido - I love Nunzio/Little Guido, poor guy.
Weapon Count (Total): 2
Chair: 42
Table: 18
Kendo Stick: 15
Police Baton: 9
Steel Steps: 6
Garbage Can: 5
Garbage Can Lid: 4
Street Signs: 3
Ladder: 3
Camera Cord: 2
ECW Title: 2
Police Helmet: 2
Cane: 2
Baking Sheet: 1
Al Snow's Head: 1
Barbwire Baseball Bat: 1
Bag of Thumbtacks: 1
Announcer's Table: 1
Belt: 1
Water Bottle: 1
Ring Bell: 1
Chalk Board: 1
Stapler: 1
Sledgehammer: 1
Steel Pipe: 1
Total (all time): 125

I think I will be doing one more today! I can't seem to quit WWE ECW. We are getting very close to the Extreme Elimination Chamber.
