Every WWE ECW Ever - ECW 15 (9/19/2006)

WWE ECW 15 - 9/19/2006

Welcome to another episode. I am truly grinding these bad boys out while in quarantine. Fuck the CoronaVirus; I can't wait to go out and literally look at shit in Target without feeling guilty about it.

Booker T is here! Royalty! I am so happy; King Booker is one of my favorite characters.

Match #1: Sabu, Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman vs. Mike Knox, Test & Matt Striker

What a banger of a matchup to begin here on WWE ECW. If only this was extreme rules; it might be and I just missed it. But regardless, what a way to kick things off!

The match starts with the more younger wrestlers dominating. Test and Mike Knox both take care of Dreamer and Sandman, respectively. I will be adding the Steel Steps again as Test used them to careen Dreamer back first into them.

For a match with so many good matches prior to this, this disappoints. It's a lot more slower pace than what you would prefer in a match like this, at least in my opinion. A lot of rest holds, trying to exploit the back injury that Dreamer has apparently followed along with his whole career. I just was not digging this one for a long majority of it.

Sabu gets the hot tag and once again is the star of the show. This guy is an absolute star right now for WWE ECW. He's surprisingly crisp, and it's surprising because he is really never crisp to begin with. Regardless, he gives the business to Test, Knox, and the like until Test bumps the ref, who takes it as intentional and waives things off. The Originals win via DQ. However, the Sandman, who was gone for a while, comes back with his kendo stick! it makes its weekly appearance clearing out the ring for the technical victors. Just disappointing that it is ANOTHER DQ finish. Still, it's nice to have ECW originals, Sandman bleeding by the head included, standing tall.

Winners: Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, and Sabu via DQ
Match Rating: Disappointing and Slow
Weapons: Steel Steps (1), Kendo Stick (1)


King Booker begins to meet the ECW roster. Stevie Richards and CW make an appearance, who are treated as being "normal". Then they meet Balls Mahoney, whom of which King Booker can't get over due to his name.

Match #2: Balls Mahoney vs. Kevin Thorn


Balls and Kevin exchange blows, until finally Ariel and Francine get to it! Joey Styles has the squeek voice going on! This is serious! Sadly, this match is not meant to go long; Thorn hits the Crucifix on Balls, ending this match a bit too quickly. I always love a Thorn win, but come on now. Let them go at it a bit longer.

Winner: Kevin Thorn
Match Rating: Too Quick
Weapons: None


King Booker meets the FBI and then CM Punk. It looks like Booker has finally found a charlatan worth competing against from who he has been introduced to. However, Punk and Moore have a date set for just a few moments, so the two just exchange words before going to commercial.

Match #3: Shannon Moore vs. CM Punk

Looks like we are getting a re-run with this one. Shannon Moore says, and I quote, "he wasn't ready."

Kelly Kelly is like backstage, sort of, watching CM Punk go. Last week, she made sure to let Punk know she is a BIG fan. Whatever gets the story going, I guess. Punk of course takes care of Shannon Moore, really taking it to the poor guy, although Moore does get a bit more offense this time around.

Moore eventually takes control of the match. Good for him! Punk soon takes control back, however, and finishes things off with an Anaconda Vice. Punk stays undefeated! Moore stays winless. I think you have one coming your way, though, Moore. Feel it in my bones.

Winner: CM Punk
Match Rating: Re-Run
Weapons: None


King Booker finally finds his opponent; Rob Van Dam. Gotta love that, and it feels so right if it's not going to be Big Show. We then get the quickest Rene Dupree promo in history.

Match #4: Rob Van Dam vs. King Booker (Extreme Rules)

I was not sure if this match would be considered extreme rules, and up until the moment Justin Roberts announced it, I was ready to be furious they had finally stopped the streak. But not today.

Gotta love the King Booker intro with Queen Sharmell saying "All hail King Booker" over and over. Also, can we acknowledge the fact that King Booker is World Heavyweight Champion?! What a great time for wrestling. I remember watching some of his King Booker matches, especially around 2006, and I definitely appreciate them a ton more now.

Booker and RVD take turns with some offense with a chair to start the match early. Already a Bookend and a Scissor Kick attempted. This is a classic match; two guys at the arguable prime of their career. King Booker and RVD take turns with epic moves such as Van Daminator, the Rolling Thunder, etc. Booker reverses fortunes when he slams RVD head first into the chair wedged into the ring post, then hits a spine buster onto another chair.

RVD hits a 5 Star Frog Splash, but cannot make the pin in time as Holly comes out with a chair to break things up, followed up by an Alabama Slam. This gives King Booker enough time to set up Scissors Kick for the win. Hardcore Holly stands over him with joy as Booker celebrates another win for his Kingdom.

Winner: King Booker
Match Rating: Fantastic
Weapons Used: Chair (3)


Another episode in the books. The same guys keep wrestling the same people, and it is definitely wearing me down a bit. I'm going to watch another one and then call it a day for the time being.

Match of the Night: King Booker vs. Rob Van Dam - Always nice to see him come into the match, although I am a bit concerned with the trend of non-ECW guys coming in and just guest-starring to Main Event. However, these two put on a fantastic match.
Wrestler of the Night: King.... BOOKAH!
Worst of the Night: Shannon Moore - his unlucky run continues.
Weapon Count (Total): 5
Chair: 31
Table: 15
Kendo Stick: 11
Garbage Can: 5
Police Baton: 6
Garbage Can Lid: 4
Street Signs: 3
Steel Steps: 3
Camera Cord: 2
ECW Title: 2
Ladder: 1
Baking Sheet: 1
Al Snow's Head: 1
Barbwire Baseball Bat: 1
Bag of Thumbtacks: 1
Announcer's Table: 1
Belt: 1
Cane: 1
Water Bottle: 1
Ring Bell: 1
Chalk Board: 1
Stapler: 1
Police Helmet: 2
Sledgehammer: 1
Total (all time): 97
